Delicious Indian Street Food Round Roti (Baati Chokha) on a Backlane in Varanasi, India | Mark Wiens

Indian round roti, known as baati chokha, are a popular street food to eat in Varanasi and other parts of North India.

What exactly is a baati chokha? Well to be honest with you, when I stopped by this street food vendor I had absolutely no idea what they were - and that's exactly the reason why I felt compelled to stop and try some. Though the vendor's mouth was packed full of paan mouth chew, I could make out him telling me that they were round rotis. So imagine a roti, which is similar to a tortilla, or just a blob of dough, rounded up into a small ball about the size of a golf ball and grilled. Within the ball were a mix of spices called garam masala. And if that doesn't already sound tasty enough, it was served with an outstanding green chili sauce, a slice of green chili, and a wedge of red onion.

To eat a baati chokha (round roti), you simply tell the vendor how many of the little guys you want and he will place them right off the grill onto your plate. From there he added a scoop of unknown sauce which happened to be delicious, and the extra few condiments. I was actually surprised at just how good these little roti balls were - partly it was the garam masala sauce and partly it was the delicious sauce. Anyway, I really enjoyed these baati chokha's so much that I ended up eating a few of them, amazed at the flavors from such a simple filling treat.

This little Indian street food vendor in Varanasi is located right along the main burning ghat funeral lane. Though I didn't know at first, as soon as I ordered and started to eat, a funeral procession came marching down the lane as I ate. It was quite an exciting and unique street food snack to be eating while funerals marched past every few minutes.

If you visit North India, you should by all means try to sample some round roti baati chokha. They are filling and delicious, and I think they make a fabulous snack or even would be a wonderful breakfast.

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