Don't Let Your Mask Bring MORE Germs to Your Face! (How to Wear a Mask Safely for YOU)

Listen - if you've been in public at all during the pandemic, you've seen adults and kids fidgeting with their masks.

If they touch anything other than the ear loops, they're not wearing the mask properly and may as well be picking their nose, because they're bringing pathogens to their face! If I'm not mistaken, touching our faces is exactly what we're supposed to be avoiding to reduce the spread of contagious disease.

If worn incorrectly, a mask or face covering could actually cause more harm to YOU, the wearer, even as you undertake the generous gift of wearing it to protect others. Please, please, learn these simple rules, the mask C.O.D.E. -- and teach them to your kids, pass them around in school groups, and make sure your teachers have them handy if you're in person.

Find easy to follow infographics, more detailed info, and a list of 8 medical doctors who approved these protocols here:
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