Dont Put This on Your Private Parts

Weve got our very popular MSM-Aloe Gel At-Cost this month for $8.75 each when you get a 3-pack.

It is extremely effective when used on bug bites and injuries. It works like the commercial, chemical product 'Deep Heat', yet in a natural way. You can usually feel the power of this stuff as soon as you put it on. I always hear Angela asking the girls if they want Yellow Gel when they have a bug bite or some other issue.

Just be careful not to get it on your private parts lol, or you will be in for a special super-duper-enhanced deep heat icy feeling surprise. You are probably wondering why and how I know this? I once used the gel, and then went to the bathroom afterwards before washing my hands. Oops. Well, you may want to try it one time lol.

Oh man, I just tried it again now many years later just to make sure I wasnt imagining things since Im talking about it now. Yeah, I wasnt imagining it. Help!

Ok, anyway, Angela loves this stuff! No, in a normal clean way everybody. She once had slightly hurt her lower back from doing yoga. When she used the MSM-Aloe Gel, she felt it working immediately and bringing relief, as it penetrated her skin just like 'Deep Heat'. It almost has like a menthol icy feeling effect.

I also remember when one of our helpers in Ecuador got bitten by a wasp and his hand blew up like a balloon. As soon as he put the MSM-Aloe Gel on, it immediately deflated.

Furthermore, just this month, a testimonial came in from a customer in regards to our MSM-Aloe Gel. Here is that testimonial:

Matt, several years ago I purchased your Raw Food World MSM-Aloe Gel. I've kept it in the kitchen for those "spatter burns" when I am cooking, and absolutely love the product and the results.

Several weeks ago, my husband asked if I'd like tea, which is his bailiwick. Of course, I said yes, and he heated the kettle, "hotted" the tea pot (put hot water in it so it wouldn't cool the tea) then tipped the kettle to pour our tea. The lid had not been securely fastened, and boiling water spilled onto the palm side of his right thumb, as well as onto his little finger (which we didn't notice until he got in the tub later). I immediately thought of the gel, and covered the burn on his thumb with it. It seemed to absorb instantly, so I kept applying it! Matt, it was totally healed in 3 or 4 days! He still has the blister on his little finger, though it is healing nicely.

He also uses your MSM Medicinal lotion on his knees, ankles and hands nightly, and when he needs more, he tells me so I can re-order it for him.

We both cannot thank you enough for the wonderful products you carry. I order your Turkish organic figs as often as I can, and will be working on another order soon.

In the meantime, I hope your health problems resolve as quickly as they can. And we both thank you for the aloe gel that prevented a lot of pain, and probably saved him from a visit to the E.R. (Neither of us have a doctor at present.)
Thank you.

Anyway, to get this Super Power Icy Hot Yellow Gel At-Cost for $8.75 each, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!


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