Doughnut Milk Luge | Eat the Trend | POPSUGAR Food

Get ready for a revolutionary new way to enjoy your morning doughnuts and milk with the doughnut milk luge. Say goodbye to dunking and hello to a fun and delicious new way to eat breakfast. A sweet maple-glazed doughnut with a row of chocolate and rainbow sprinkles? Sign us up. Serve this at your next brunch to get the party started.

4 long doughnuts
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
2 teaspoons coconut oil
4 ounces milk


Cut a row out of the center of each doughnut and set aside.
Combine chocolate chips and coconut oil in a bowl and microwave for 30-second intervals until melted. Pour the melted chocolate through the doughnut, pouring off any excess. Let harden in the fridge, then add sprinkles to the chocolate.

Pour milk into 1-ounce shot glasses. When ready, hold the doughnut up to your mouth and pour milk down the center!

POPSUGAR Food shares delicious recipes, tutorials, kitchen tips and tricks, and everything else you need to start cooking ... and eating! Hosted by Brandi Milloy, POPSUGAR Food shares easy-to-follow recipes, demos, and time-saving kitchen hacks on our show Get the Dish, and recreate the latest food crazes and invent new ones on Eat the Trend. Get the scoop on how to make everything from Cronuts to ramen burgers to vanilla cupcakes and beyond!

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