Dr. Alan Goldhamer: Safe 40-Day Water Fasts And The Traits Vital People Share

This is an audio-only youtube upload of a Renaissance Humans Podcast interview with Dr. Alan Goldhamer of the True North Health Center in California.

You can find links to the MP3 download and Itunes version of this podcast here: http://renaissancehumans.com/dr-alan-goldhammer/

Long-term water-only fasting and natural hygiene practitioners have existed on the margins of modern medicine for a long time, but Dr. Alan Goldhamer and the True North Health Center are starting to change that.

Goldhamer and his team are publishing the results of their fasts and dietary interventions in peer-reviewed medical journals, teaming up with eminent researchers and institutions to explore the physiological effects of long-term water fasting and what it can do against conditions like cancer, high blood pressure, and other deadly killers, and bringing what was long considered quackery - natural hygiene - into the bounds of medical respectability.

In today's interview I ask Dr. Goldhamer how he fought off attempts to shutter his institution because fasting was considered unsafe, why he's so devoted to the ideas of natural hygiene, a sugar, salt, and oil-free vegan diet, and, "crazy" ideas like water-only fasting for weeks at a time.

Show Notes:

What all the healthiest, most vital people have in common: 4:50

Why Goldhamer set up True North, and how he got started on his path toward helping people heal: 6:13

Why Goldhamer thinks the greatest threat to his ability to practice are Well intentioned but ignorant doctors and government officials, and how a board in California almost shut him down: 8:38

Why Goldhamer publishes in medical journals to gain medical respectability for fasting: 11:14

Dr. Valter Longo and short term fasting vs long-term fasting: 13:55
Should healthy, disease-free people fast, and how often Goldhamer fasts: 19:15

Finding the biomarkers for making fasting targeted, more effective, and safer: 19:51

Whether long-term fasts are safe without blood work: 21:42

More water-only fasting centers opening up around the country: 25:18

Newly-published case study on beating cancer (lymphoma) with fasting: 26:32
Raw food diets and dietary modification for autoimmune conditions like colitis: 30:42

The conditions that respond best to fasting: 34:29

Andrew explains natural hygiene and how many natural hygienists he's run into are dogmatic and uninterested in science: 36:24

Goldhamer talks about how Hertbert Shelton thought about medical science, and how Shelton would act today in the face of scientific advances: 40:33

Changing his mind about B12 supplementation and Vitamin D Levels: 46:21

Why Goldhamer decided very long fasts (over 40 days) weren't safe: 48:54

Why tap water is not ideal, and his thoughts on distilled vs filtered water: 49:29

How meditation can help with weight maintenance/overeating, how exercise, meditation, and fasting are related, and Goldhamer's personal meditation practice: 53:57

What Goldhamer does in his free time, and why True North is so unique and he wants to spend so much time there: 57:32

Safe drinking water article link:

Free fasting consultation offer:

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