Dr. Tom Moorcroft: Bacteria, Viruses, and Mystery "Chronic" Illnesses HPC: E149

Get all the links and resources we mentioned here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/mystery-chronic-illnesses/

Put your seatbelts and your thinking caps on, folks, this one is packed with info!

Dr. Tom Moorcroft and I went deep about mystery illnesses (with "chronic" in quotation marks for a very good and inspiring reason) and we even circled around to the virus of the hour and how the long haul form is looking a little bit like bacterial illnesses like Lyme, viral illnesses caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, and even mold toxicity.

So why listen even if you or those you love don't have mystery symptoms that docs don't seem to be able to diagnose easily or correctly?


It's been a while since I've felt so called out on the carpet for some mistakes I've been making in my wellness. Not that Dr. Tom reprimanded me, far from it -- he set such an inspiring example that it made it easy for me to reflect upon my own week and see a deficiency that I didn't realize was there.

This D.O. is so dang smart (and better yet, wise), and I think EVERY human needs to hear his message of the power of the body to heal itself.

Here's just a small sample of what you'll learn (quick warning if you're listening with kids in the room - Dr. Tom gets pretty passionate a few times and uses some words that most people would call swear words, but not the biggest/worst ones):

* Why Lyme disease is so tricky to uncover and treat (and more importantly, what you can look for to know it might be a suspect)
* Many ways I've never heard of before to protect yourself from ticks, and even more ideas to protect yourself from devastating consequences from all diseases so that you have new tools in your arsenal
* The impact of food on the immune system and mindset on healing, so that you don't need to feel dependent on doctors and medicine for everything (just the things you really do need them for)
* Dr. Tom's 4-step "protocol" for a quick recovery from the current circulating virus (that anyone can implement starting today...you'll see what I mean)
* The most important aspect of health that most people (definitely almost all doctors) usually miss
* Why I put "chronic" in quotation marks ;)

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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