Drumstick Curry with Coconut Milk by TastedRecipes | Tasted Recipes

Drumstick Curry with Coconut Milk

Ingredients for Drumstick Curry with Coconut Milk are:

Oil [तेल] - 50 ml
Onion [प्याज़] - 2 pcs (medium, sliced)
Green Chili [हरी मिर्च] - 4 pcs (slit)
Drumsticks [ड्रमस्टिक] - 2 pcs (cut into 2 inches)
Coconut Milk [कोकोनट मिल्क] - 200 ml
Salt [नमक] - 1 tsp
Curry Leaves [कढ़ी पत्ते] - as required
Tamarind Paste [इमली पेस्ट] - 1 tbsp
Madras Curry Powder [मद्रास करी पाउडर] - 1 tsp
Coconut Milk [कोकोनट मिल्क] - 250 ml
Coriander [हरा धनिया] - to garnish (chopped)

Drumstick Curry with Coconut Milk Recipe by #TastedRecipes
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