Dum Aloo - By Vahchef @ Vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Dum aloo Kashmiri is an extremely delicious main course dish which is actually potatoes cooked in rich spicy yoghurt gravy.


2-3 grams baby potato
2-3 number cardamom
2-3 number cloves
1 springs coriander leaves garnish
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 tbsp cumin seeds
100 grams curd
1 tbsp fennel pdr
1/2 tbsp garam masala pdr
1/2 tbsp garlic paste
1/4 tbsp ginger pdr
1 tbsp oil
1/2 tbsp red chilli powder
to taste Salt
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder

• boil the potatoes and peel them properly. Now prick the peeled potatoes all over with a fork

• heat oil add cumin ,garam masala whole ,chopped garlic mix all spice pdrs with little water and add to the mixture

• . Mix curd, Simmer

• add potatoes for about 20-25 minutes and your Kashmiri dum aloo dish is ready to be served.

• i added little pdr of fried cashew nuts for my own variotion , since one has to develop taste for this recipe you may want to add tomatoes

potatoes cooke in kashmiri style "Reach vahrehvah at -
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