Easy Vegan Pancakes #veganrecipes #vegansofaustralia #veganfood #vegan #pancake #veganpancakes

Light and delicious Vegan Pancakes

Vegan pancakes: warm, fluffy, and beloved. For fellow vegans, I've cracked the secret to the fluffiest vegan pancakes!


Easy Vegan Pancakes

- 1 cup of plain flour
- 2 tbsp of sugar
- 1 tbsp of baking powder
- 1/2 tsp of salt
- 1 cup of soy milk
- 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract


Begin by taking a mixing bowl and adding the plain flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Mix these dry ingredients until well combined.

Now, introduce the soy milk, apple cider vinegar, and vanilla extract to the mixture of dry ingredients. Stir everything together with a whisk until you achieve a consistent batter.

Let the batter sit undisturbed for approximately 5 minutes until bubbles begin to form.

Heat up a non-stick frying pan on medium heat and add a bit of vegan butter or oil. Once the pan is hot, pour roughly 1/4 cup portions of the pancake batter onto it.

Keep an eye on the pancakes as they cook; they are ready to be flipped when you see bubbles forming on the surface.

Once the bubbles appear, gently flip the pancakes to cook the other side. This side should become golden brown.

Continue cooking the remaining batter in the same manner, adding more vegan butter or oil to the pan as needed.

Now, you're all set to enjoy these delicious vegan pancakes, whether you prefer them plain, with fresh fruit, or drizzled with maple syrup!

#VeganPancakePerfection #veganpancakes #pancakes #easyveganrecipes #veganrecipes #veganbreakfast
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