8 Eating Behaviors that May Be Signs of Disordered Eating

*trigger warning* This video discusses some behaviors associated with disordered eating.

I hear from so many women whether its members of the community messaging me on Instagram, clients sharing their hearts and stories, or students in my programs sharing their thoughts and its so clear to me that many of them have disordered eating tendencies, but they are unaware that these behaviors are considered unhealthy, which also means theyre unaware of how damaging their actions may be to their mental and physical wellbeing.

So in this video, Im going to share 8 eating behaviors that you might want to be more mindful and conscious of, so you can see if any of these are present in your life.

Before we go through them, its important to know that disordered eating is defined as a range of irregular eating behaviors that may or may not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder.

While disordered eating habits may be different from eating disorders, that doesnt mean they are any less serious. Disordered eating habits can be just as severe and should be treated as such.

One of the things that can really help support a healthy relationship with food is to create a healthy lifestyle thats fully unique to you, rather than following plans or some idolized way of eating.

My team and I can help you heal your relationship with food. Book a free call so we can get to know one another and share what wellness coaching would look like for your unique needs https://members.nutritionstripped.com/coaching

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Video animations by: http://www.joshjhill.com/
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