Egg Drop Curry | Indian Curry I Chefharpalsingh | chefharpalsingh

This famous egg drop curry was something which i cooked for my hotel staff for lunch and dinner. now you can do it at home for your family, easy, quick and delicious recipe..

Egg drop Curry

Egg – 4 no
Onion chopped – 2 large
Tomatoes chopped – 2 large
Boiled Potatoes- 2
Fresh coriander chopped – 1 tbsp
Ginger Chopped – 1 tbsp
Garlic chopped- 1 tbsp
Green chillies chopped - 2-3
Red Chilli powder – 1tsp
Turmeric powder- ½ tsp
Garam masala powder- ½ tsp
Coriander powder – 1 tbsp
Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
Cumin seeds – 1tsp
Curry leaves – 8-10 no
water – 3 cups
Salt to taste
Oil – 2-3 tbsp

1) Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, ginger and garlic chopped and saute well.
2) Add chopped onion, tomatoes and sauté well.
3) Add chopped tomatoes and sauté. Add salt, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, garam masala powder and sauté for 3-4 mints.
4) Add boiled potatoes and mix well. Add water, mix well and cover and cook until boil
5) Break egg in a bowl and slowly add it to curry again cover and cook until the egg is cooked completely
6) Add chopped coriander and mix well.
Remove it in a bow garnish it with coriander sprig and serve

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