{ENG SUB} ★ XO醬 一 秘製做法 ★ | Special Chinese XO Sauce | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

張媽媽秘製XO醬 , 香香辣辣,很適合配麵和點心. 記得like我的Video同訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。

MamaCheung's Chinese XO Sauce, a popular special chili sauce from Hong Kong. I would like to share my own recipe with you. Hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies!

#張媽媽 #XO醬 #XOsauce

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八十克乾瑤柱 80g Conpoy
兩湯匙玫瑰露酒 2tbsp Chinese rose wine
一百四十克蒜頭碎 140g chopped garlic
一百四十克紅蔥頭粒 140g chopped shallots
四十克指天椒粒 40g chili
十五克辣椒乾碎,去籽 15g dried chili, chopped and deseed
三十克蝦米粒 30g chopped dried shrimps
三十克金華火腿粒 30g Chinese ham
兩湯匙魚露 2tbsp fish sauce
兩湯匙雞粉 2tbsp chicken powder
一茶匙黑椒碎 1tsp ground pepper
一茶匙幼鹽 1tsp salt
一湯匙砂糖 1tbsp sugar
六百毫升生油 600g cooking oil

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