Famous Amos Singapore is halal?!

I have something big to talk about.

Halal food is halal food. It does not necessarily need to be certified or owned by Muslims. Thats why on Halalfoodhunt, youll see other types of verifications too.

And yes, youll see @famousamossg on Halalfoodhunt too. Does this mean what you think it means? Watch this video to know!

Disclaimer: our verifications are accurate at the time of publishing. Do check back on Halalfoodhunt app for latest verification.

Multiple locations
Famous Amos uses only halal ingredients (Verified on Halalfoodhunt App)
Download the Halalfoodhunt app on halalfoodhunt.com/app

#halalfoodhunt #halalsg #famousamossg #famousamos #cookies #halalfood
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