Filter Coffee/Filter Kaapi/How To Make Filter Coffee/Filter Coffee Recipe (Basic Cooking) | Indian Mom's Kitchen

A cup of piping hot Filter Coffee with its aroma is so relaxing after a hard day's work. Let me show how to make Filter Coffee or Filter Kaapi as some call it at home. To make this Coffee, you need to have a container called a Coffee Filter, which is easily available for purchase. Given below is the step by step instructions as to how easily anyone can make Filter Coffee at home very quickly.

1 cup Milk
2 tbsp Filter Coffee powder
1 tbsp Sugar

-- Put 2 tbsp Coffee powder in the upper part of the Coffee Filter.
-- Secure the plunger over the Coffee powder tightly.
-- Pour boiling water over the plunger and fill it to the brim of the upper part of the container.
-- Close with the lid and keep aside for 5-7 minutes.
-- Once the decoction has fully collected in the lower part of the container, detach the upper part and keep it aside.
-- Boil 1 cup of Milk along with 1 tbsp Sugar.
-- Take 2 empty tumblers or glasses.
-- Pour 1 cup of Milk into one glass and 1/4 cup decoction into the other glass.
-- Froth the Coffee by transferring to and fro from one glass to the other.
-- Hot piping Filter Coffee is ready.

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