Fish Meatbaalls Recipe Homemade Easy and Delicious Fish Cake Fish meatbaalls making

ingredients for making fish cake
1.5 fish fillets, mackerel fillets will be used
3 - 4 sprigs of fresh mint
some parsley
fresh onion
200 grams of mozerella cheese
2 garlic
black pepper
Red powdered pepper
half a lemon
breadcrumbs, white flour
some sunflower oil to fry

wash green vegetables
Add grape vinegar in cold water, leave greens
It will be enough to use 1 cover
wash and clean fish fillets
we don't want fish bones
grab the edge of the fish and remove the outer skin of the fish
You can separate the fish skin by cutting it with a knife
Chop the fish with a knife, prepare it finely chopped
it is enough to chop a few turns
finely chop the parsley, mint and green onion
finely grate cheddar cheese
add the ingredients to the mixing bowl
add crushed garlic
add breadcrumbs
add spices
mix completely
materials must be in a structure that will hold each other
roll with your hand and give the shape of a cylinder
you can divide this amount of material into 12 equal pieces
equalize the fish patties, they should all be the same size
arrange the patties with your hands
If 4 pieces will be enough for 1 person, this meal will be enough for 3 persons.
this size is fine, not too small or too big

add flour to the meatballs
turn the other side of the meatballs
add sunflower oil to large pan
add fish meatballs without waiting for the oil to overheat
fry the meatballs on medium heat
as you can see, after frying turn the back side and cook
you can use the oil a little less, the dumplings should be a little oily, it will not dry
Take out the fully browned fish balls on a paper towel and serve before they cool.
I recommend you to make a green salad with lots of tomatoes besides fish balls.
colorful, spicy, and I can say that it is very delicious with the cheese we added
you can add tomato sauce while serving
add fish balls
you can add something like stuffed stuffed leaves
If you have children who do not eat fish, you should definitely try,
add lemon and enjoy, it was easy and very tasty #FishBallsRecipe #cookingDifferentFish #healthyFishMeatballs
fish meatballs,
fish meatballs in tomato sauce,
tuna fish meatballs,
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chinese fish meatballs,
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fish meatball,
fish meatball recipe
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