Forage and Cook - Sea Beet & Hogweed Seed Saag Aloo

In this video, we will Forage for Sea Beet & Common Hogweed Seeds before cooking up a fantastic, nutritious and super tasty Sea Beet Saag Aloo.

James Wood takes you out at the coast to look for some fantastic wild ingredients to forage before cooking up an incredibly tasty Sea Beet & Hogweed Seed Saag Aloo with the finds.

For Full Identification guides click below:
Foraging Sea Beet -

Foraging Common Hogweed -

The Recipe for Foraged Sea Beet Saag Aloo

You can use a vast range of wild greens instead of spinach in Saag Aloo, however my favourite by far is Sea Beet Saag Aloo the beet bring a nice salty spinach flavour to the dish and lightens up the spicy potatoes perfectly. Enjoy as a side dish to any great curry or add some diced chicken or lamb to use this as a main in its own right.

500g chopped potatoes 2cm cubes par boiled for 10mins
250g Sea Beet, roughly chopped
1tbsp cumin seeds
1 tsp turmeric powder
1tsp hogweed seeds ground
tsp fine chilli flakes
1tsp coconut oil

In a wide frying pan heat the coconut oil to a high temperature and add the cumin seeds for 30 seconds until their fragrant aroma is released.

Chuck in the par boiled potatoes and further spices and fry for 5-10 minutes until the potatoes are starting to crisp nicely

Throw in the Sea beet stir for 30 seconds and turn of the heat

Serve straight away and enjoy.
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