Foraging UK - Horseradish (Armoracia Rusticana)

Today we're going to be taking a look at foraging for the edible wild plant known as Horseradish. This is something we've possibly all tasted before but not foraged, it can be found almost everywhere and has a much stronger taste than the commercial one we've probably tried before, even better we can eat the leaves which you'll almost never find in the shops :)

We'll look at all of the key features to correctly identify this species when you're out foraging as well as the potential edible lookalikes that the Horseradish could be confused with.

Lastly we'll be talking through some of my favorite ways to cook with and consume my foraged Horseradish from the classic horseradish sauce to spicy horseradish leaf chimichurri. I'm certain there are plenty more recipes we can use this in and I'd absolutely love to hear yours,

For a full written guide head to the website :)

Happy Foraging
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