Fresh Coconut & Durian Smoothie Recipe
Re: The Gaseous Smell
I once had my university evacuated & the fire bridage arrived, because they thought there was a gas leak.
Yes, it's just mineral discrimination against sulphur Sulphur is other than bad, it just happens that a few unpleasant things smell of it.
What if it tastes like heaven just exploded in your mouth?
and We could reframe and reawaken the fact that every cell in your body feels orgasmic when you are not sulphur deficient like 99% of the population?
That along with the fact that it heightens your sixth sense and is also a potent aphrodisiac.
Thing aren't always as they appear or smell on the surface. It is recommended that your first experience is supervised by a professional, do not attempt on your own without initiation or guidance... Your ability to enjoy it depends on your current condition... Bad durian is like having a traumatic first anything (e.g. sexual experience) likely to have far reaching implications and inability to enjoy on of paradise's gifts.
This is the favoured food of orang-utanol, tiger or Asian. It's sad when someone has a less that divine 1st experience! Aiste edited out various important bits of info in trying to keep the video from being 20-30mins.
It's very easy to get a dud, which is why i recommend the a good brand, variety & ripeness frozen one... If I open a durian & it isn't delightful, I don't eat it and taint my experience.. And i only introduce people on an empty stomach, prefeably for breakfast.
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