Fried Rice - 10 Second Recipes | Christian Has Ideas

We live in China, so we can get fried rice from 100 restaurants right outside -- but then of course we also get a huge helping of MSG, which, health concerns aside, just doesn't taste very good. So, we make our own.

It goes like this...

First you chop a junk load of vegetables. The quantity and type of vegetable is totally up to your taste. I typically like to add something with a bit of crunch -- like water chestnut or lotus root (which is hard to find in the West, but super common in Xi'an), but again. It's up to you.

You can also add meat if you like. Just make sure to cook it first. ☺

In this fried rice I used the following:
Sweet Potato
Lotus Root
Green Pepper

Salt the vegetables and stir-fry them together in a wok or skillet with plenty of oil. When the vegetables are as soft as you want them to be (I like mine pretty soft, but some people like them crunchy -- whatever makes your mouth water) add some Spinach.

Then you add some pre-cooked rice. Day-old rice is actually the best because it works better in the oil. Don't freak out about quantities. The ratio of vegetable to rice can vary depending on your preference.

Mix that all together.

While it's still in the pan, season it with some sesame seeds, soy sauce, vinegar, and a bit of sesame oil (a little bit goes a long way). I like my fried rice to taste like vinegar, so I don't skimp on it.

Top it off with some black sesame seeds if you can find them, and enjoy.

This has pretty much become our favorite way to consume leftovers, or vegetables that have about run out of time in the fridge. Post a comment if you like fried rice, or if you like cooking, or if you like this video, or if you don't like this video.

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