गाजर हलवा कंडेस्ड मिल्क के साथ | Gajar ka Halwa with Milkmaid | Quick Gajar Halwa | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Carrot Halwa Recipe, Condensed Milk Carrot Halwa, carrot halwa recipe with milkmaid

Grated Carrot - 1 kg
Condensed Milk - 1 tin (400 gms)
Cashew Nuts - 10 to 12
Almonds - 10 to 12
Raisins - 1 tbsp
Ghee - 3 to 4 tbsp
Green Cardamoms - 7

How to make Condensed Milk Gajar Halwa
1- Peel, grate 1 kg of Carrot.
2- Add 3 to 4 tbsp of Ghee in a wok and melt it.
3- Add the grated carrot in the melted Ghee and cook while covering on the medium-low flame.
4- Chop Cashews, Almonds and peel Green Cardamoms to grind coarsely ground.
5- After 5 minutes, stir carrots and cook while covering for 5 minutes on the low-medium flame.
6- Stir the carrot and make sure that it doesn't burn from the bottom.
7- Carrot has cooked, we will add 1 tin of condensed milk in it.
8- Turn the flame to medium from low.
9- Stir and cook it for some time.
10- Add the chopped almonds, raisins, Green Cardamoms and mix them properly.
11- Carrot halwa is ready as there is the pleasant smell in the atmosphere.
12- Turn off the flame and pour the halwa in the bowl.
13- It is ready to be served, garnish it with some almonds and cashews.

1- Store halwa in the refrigerator and consume it for 7 days.

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