Ganesh Chaturthi Bhog Recipe | Modak Recipe For Ganpathi Festival | How To Make Modak Without Mould | Plates Of Love

Modak are sweet rice dumpling stuffed with jaggery and coconut mixture prepared to offer Lord Ganesha on Ganesh Chaturthi

Modak recipe

Ingredients For dough

Rice flour 1.5 cups
Sugar 3 tbsp
Ghee 1 tbsp
Milk 1 cup
Kesar (saffron)

For stuffing

Jaggery 1/4 cup
Coconut powder 1/2 cup
Crushed peanuts 1/4 cup
Poppy seeds 2 tbsp
Khoya 1/4 cup

Process for Jaggery stuffing

* Roast peanuts, poppy seeds and coconut powder in ghee for 2 mins
* Add Jaggery and cool them completely

For Khoya stuffing

* Mix grated khoya with coconut powder

Process to make modak

* Take a pan and boil milk in it
* Add 1 tbsp ghee and 3 tbsp sugar in it
* Then add rice flour and start cooking on low flame
* Cook it nicely and form a dough
Knead it gently
* Make 2 portion of dough,
* Add kesar water in 1st portion of dough nd knead it softly
* Make balls and stuff the mixture prepared
(khoya and Jaggery)
* Make modak with gentle press
* Steam them for 10 mins

Jai Shri Ganesha!

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