Garden to Glass Zero Proof Cocktails

Every CVI Vegetable Showcase event begins with a signature cocktail inspired by the evenings featured ingredient from The Chefs Garden. But non-drinkers neednt feel left out, because Culinary Vegetable Institute wine steward and mixologist Liz Studer always stirs up a non-boozy option thats every bit as special as the hard stuff.

Studer said she draws inspiration from non-alcoholic beverages served in Temperance taverns of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Drinking establishments became watering holes for those who vowed to abstain from intoxicating alcohol. So rather than rely on strong spirits, innovative Temperance bartenders turned to aromatics and botanicals such as dandelion, burdock, sassafras, mint, herbs, flowers and vegetables.

With so many potential ingredients from The Chefs Garden at her fingertips, Studer has the raw materials she needs to infuse simple syrups and herb teas, to create vibrant vegetable juices, and muddle in intense flavors.

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