Getting a Blessing from Buddhist Monks in Thailand.

New Thailand videos every Wednesday. Subscribe: Getting a Buddhist Blessing in Thailand. Some friends visiting me in Thailand wanted to get a Buddhist blessing done while they were here, so my wife and I took them to our local temple to get a blessing. Monks will do this at most temples throughout Thailand, this was at the Tiger Cave Temple in Krabi, Thailand.

Its probably best to take a Thai person with you, so you can follow their actions, and also to avoid any language barriers. And you should take an offering of things that monks need. These include candles, incense, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, disposable shavers, coffee, medicines, food; and a monetary donation in an envelope. Its best to go in the morning, between about 9:00 and 10:30am, as the monks eat at around 11:00am. Thai people get blessings for many things: new houses, cars, babies, birthdays, new businesses, for happiness and good fortune, pretty much everything. It's an interesting way to experience Thai culture while your having Thailand holidays and it leaves you feeling nice :-)

Subscribe to my channel for more videos on what to do and what to eat in Thailand. New Thailand videos posted regularly about Thailand including Ao Nang and Krabi: Places to see, things to do, tours, Thai food, Thailand markets, Thai culture & festivals, Thai street food, Thai recipes, hotels, resorts, villas, restaurants, Thailand holidays, tourism, accommodation & Thailand travel.

Krabi is about 2-3 hours from Phuket by land or sea, and has world class accommodation standards comparable to what you find in Phuket hotels and resorts, but in a more relaxed environment.

If you're looking into Thailand Hotels have a look at hotels and resorts in Krabi. The islands and beaches of Krabi are famous for Thailand holidays, the movie The Beach was filmed on Krabi's Koh Phi Phi Island.
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