Getting to the Root of Chronic Inflammation and Disease in Kids with Dr. Madiha Saeed HPC: E101

White sugar is ubiquitous in our society and wreaking havoc on our health. I'm thrilled to introduce you to my friend Madiha Saeed, M.D.

In this interview we get into:
* How refined sugar causes inflammation
* Why inflammation is the root of so many diseases affecting modern humans
* The insulin resistance problem
* The difference between white, refined sugar and natural sugars when it comes to our health
* The importance of gratitude to our overall health

I guarantee you or someone you know is battling one of these diseases caused by white sugar, and I bet the doctor isn't calling it out as a root cause.

You'll be educated and uplifted by this interview -- you can't help it once you hear Dr. Saeed get passionate!

Resources We Mention About Sugar and Inflammation:
* Find Dr. Saeed online:
* Dr. Saeed's book Holistic Rx:
* More about white sugar and inflammation:
* All about white sugar:
* Health benefits of maple syrup:
* Health benefits of honey:
* How to bake with honey:
* Effects of sugar on kids:

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