Goa Style Bangda Curry Recipe Delicious Fish Recipe FoodFood

Goan-style bangda curry is a delicious and flavorful fish curry made with mackerel. It is a popular dish in the coastal state of Goa, India. The curry is made with a blend of spices, coconut milk, and tamarind paste. The fish is cooked in a thick gravy and served with steamed rice. This dish is best enjoyed with a side of freshly cooked chapatis or naan.

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FoodFood Sanjeev Kapoor Sanjeev Kapoors Kitchen Recipe Recipe Videos Khana Khazana What to Cook curry fish food seafood recipe recipes cooking sea food indian india goan style bangda mackerel curry tasty homemade easy recipe goan recipe fish curry rice bangda fish curry recipe bangda curry goan style homemade delicious fish curry bangda fish recipe in hindi famous goa fish recipe goan curry bangda amshe tikshe bangda curry malvani fish curry spicy curry

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