Gond Ka Laddoo | Simple Vegetarian Khana With Chef Saurabh | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Nutritious and healthy laddoo made with edible gum crystals.



100 grams edible gum crystals (gond), broken into small pieces
100 grams ghee
50 grams dried dates, finely chopped
50 grams almonds, coarsely powdered
1 tablespoon poppy seeds (khus khus)
2 tablespoons grated dried coconut + for garnishing
¼ teaspoon nutmeg powder
150 grams chopped jaggery


1. Heat ghee in a non-stick pan. Add edible gum crystals and fry till they puff up. Transfer in a bowl and cool.
2. Dry-roast dried dates, almond powder, poppy seeds and coconut in another non-stick pan till fragrant.
3. Coarsely crush the puffed up gum crystals using a wooden spoon. Add roasted nuts mixture and nutmeg powder and mix well.
4. Melt jaggery in the same non-stick pan and cook till syrup of one-string consistency is formed.
5. Add the jaggery syrup to the prepared gum crystal mixture, mix well and slightly cool.
6. Divide the mixture into equal portions, shape into balls and cool completely.
7. Garnish with some coconut and serve or store in an air-tight container.
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