गोंद पाक | Gond Paak | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | TedhiKheer

A traditional sweet commonly consumed during winters in Haryana and Rajasthan.



1 cup gum resin (gond)
3 tbsps ghee + greasing
1 cup mawa
¾ cup sugar
Chopped pistachios as required
Chopped almonds as required
Dried scrapped coconut as required


1. Heat ghee in a non-stick pan, add gond, sauté well till each kernel is puffed up. Take them off the heat and keep aside. Crush the puffed up gond using a stainless steel bowl.
2. Heat mawa in the same pan, sauté for 1 minute or till it melts. Take it off the heat and add it to the prepared gond.
3. Heat sufficient water in another non-stick pan, add sugar and mix well. Let the sugar melt completely to make sugar syrup. Switch the flame off.
4. Add the prepared gond-mawa¬ mixture to the sugar syrup and mix well.
5. Grease a tray with ghee, add the prepared mixture and spread it evenly. Sprinkle pistachios, almonds and scrapped coconut. Refrigerate for 5-10 minutes or until set.
6. Cut into squares, serve or store in an air tight container.

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