অতুলনীয় স্বাদ এবং সহজ পদ্ধতি বানিফালুন অল্প সময়ে গোন্ধরাজ চিংরি | GONDHORAJ CHINGRI Recipe Bangla | CuisineGhar

গোন্ধরাজ চিংরি | Bengali Style Fish Recipe | Prawn Recipe in Bengali | Gondhoraj Chingri Recipe | Lemon Prawns Recipe in Bengali | Bengali Style Fish recipe for Summer I Bengali Fish Recipe
We know that lemon represents refreshing so I am using that lemon with chingri mach (prawn) to enhance the taste of the recipe as well as to make it refreshing, instead of spicy in this summer. You will love the aroma and taste of the recipe. Must-Try in the hot summer.

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