Got 15 mins? Make these delicious cheesecake trifles!

Get the recipe here:

15 Biscoff cookies
8 oz (300g) cream cheese
1 cup (250g) plain Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup granulated sugar
5-6 strawberries, sliced
Place the cookies in a food processor that has been fitted with the blade attachment and pulse until crushed.
Place 1 tablespoon of the Biscoff crumbs in the bottom of each trifle bowl.
Make the cheesecake filling: Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract together until smooth. Add the yogurt and beat until smooth.
Divide the cream evenly between the cups.
Arrange strawberries over half of the cheesecake filling and top the other side with the remaining Biscoff cookie crumbs.
Chill for 1-2 hours or overnight and serve! Kali Orexi!

Music Used:
Greek Sun Time (With Intro)
ITEM ID: 66582698
By: tonyanthony

Its All Greek
ITEM ID: 84456733
By: LowNotes
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