Gourmet Soup Sandwiches | April Fool aka The Food Busker | Jamie Oliver

EXCLUSIVE! Food Tube has scooped the first big food trend of 2015 - The Soup Sandwich. Straight out of the deli's of Brooklyn this street food snack is taking the hipster world by storm. Versatile, dynamic and with infinite combinations. Why have bread and soup when you can have a soup sandwich? You saw it here first.

What would you put in your Soup Sandwich guys? Remember its all about pairing the right soup with the right bread so choose carefully and let us know in the comments box below.

Love Street Food? The you'll love the Food Busker : http://jamieol.com/f7HUUo

Links from the video:
Next Level Steak Sarnie | http://jamieol.com/OWcKnv
Chicken Ramen Soup | http://jamieol.com/uTYkw5

For more nutrition info, click here: http://jamieol.com/D3JimM

Jamie Oliver's Food Tube | http://jamieol.com/M2xkcF
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