Grated Apple Pie Recipe From 1898 - Old Cookbook Show

Grated Apple Pie Recipe From 1898 - Old Cookbook Show
This recipe shares a common history with many early apple pies going back to the 1600s in England. You can see similarities to a recipe we did from Robert May's 1685 cookbook 'The Accomplished Cook': This pie recipe is a cross between an apple pie and a custard pie with a meringue topping, and is closely related to Marlboro Pie.

Grated Apple Pie.
Beat together until light and creamy the yolks of 3 eggs and cupful sugar, then stir in 1 cupful of freshly-grated apple, mix well, then add cupful sweet thick cream, add also the grated rind of I small lemon, a few grated almonds, and seeded raisins may be added if desired, but the pie is nice without them.
Line a flat pie plate with rich pastry, pour in the apple mixture, and bake in a moderate oven until light brown, then spread with a meringue made of the whites of the 3 eggs beaten stiff and 6 level table. spoonfuls sugar added. Brown lightly. Serve cold.

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