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Easy Healthy Recipes
Raw Food Diet Menu
Low Fat Salad Dressing Recipes
Raw Food Weight Loss

* Dan the liferegenerator's
Miracle Herbal Salad &
Miracle Herbal Dressing! *

* I n g r e d i e n t s *

For the SALAD:
1 head Romaine Lettuce
1 head Red Leaf Lettuce
1 bunch Cilantro
3 Bell Peppers (orange, yellow & red if possible), roughly chopped into large chunks

2-4 Tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 Lime
1 Avocado
A few fresh leaves of Parsley, Oregano, Thyme & Basil, or whatever fresh herbs you have access to (remove leaves from stems; discard stems)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *

1) For the salad, set up your food processor with its chopper blade and run through the romaine & red leaf lettuce leaves, followed by the cilantro and then the 3 bell peppers, transferring everything to a large serving bowl as you go along. I use a Cuisinart Food Processor:

2) For the dressing, toss the chopped tomatoes and in your Vita-Mix blender, or other high-powered blender of your choice

3) Squeeze the juice of one lime over the tomatoes with a manual citrus squeezer, and also add the roughly chopped avocado and the leaves from all of your fresh herbs.

4) Blend until desired consistency is reached.

5) Drizzle salad dressing over salad or offer on the side, and enjoy! ;-)

* I n s p i r a t i o n *

YES, I eat a lot of salad...a lot a lot a lot of salad....but that's because I am a man, I'm 6'2", I have the skinny gene, I have muscle to maintain, I engage in a high level of daily activity, and because I eat primarily low fat raw fruits, vegetables & herbs (with nuts & seeds in the winter) by definition I would have to eat a much larger volume of food, as fruits & vegetables are by far the least calorically dense foods out there... obviously... but what's not so obvious these days is how MUCH more it really ends up being, as we simply are not regularly exposed to this sort of thing in the mainstream world.

Think of me as your coach or as one of your cheerleaders, as someone who is giving you permission to be happy & healthy!

I feel more like a fruit & vegetableist than a raw foodist as today raw food can mean dehydrated, heavy, dense, high-fat foods that you buy in bags...which seems quite far removed from the natural act of being able to pick an apple from a tree and eating it. Sure, it's fun to have heavier foods like that sometime, but for day to day I think most of us here are more concerned with detoxifying, regenerating & getting more healthy. Right?

One cannot just stimulate themselves into really do have to alkalize & energize your cells with the simplicity of the fruits, vegetables & herbs.

When it comes to the acid alkaline interactions happening in your body at any given moment, it takes 20 parts alkaline to neutralize 1 part acid. So if you're really sick or have some serious disease, it is gonna take more than 1 green juice or even a few green juices for your body to finally become alkaline...for you literally need to undo an entire lifetime of acidosis...but it can be done, if you just stick with it and keep moving forward!

My Mom is eager for us to go south to visit her and help her get healthy! She has suffered from fibromyalgia for a long time and hasn't been 100% receptive to me helping her get healthy via raw fruits & vegetables, but lo and behold the liferegenerator channel on YouTube has her all inspired! The only problem though is that the funds are extremely tight for us now...we are just barely squeaking by, but we need to build a slight cushion before leaving so we can be sure we will have enough for gas & RV lot rentals, etc.

Anything you can do to help us out and to help me get my shirt off and then keep it off throughout the winter is very, very, very much appreciated!!!

The general donation link is here

Or, if you use the "Beautiful & Radiant Skin" donation link here and submit $15 or more, you'll get access to 3 private videos about your skin that are within a Facebook group which I'll give you lifetime private access to.

THANK YOU in advance for your love & support of the fruit & vegetable mission to save the world! :D

I Love You!

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