Green Smoothie made with Edible Wild Plants + A Garden Tour (Video 2 of 2)

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Healthy Smoothie Recipes *
How to Make a Smoothie *
Fruit Smoothie Recipes *

Here's another one of those
super healthy smoothies for you!

Wild Herbs Homemade Fruit Smoothie
made with Plantain & Lambs Quarters,
Pineapple Fruit & Young Coconut Water

* Detox, Go Low Fat or Fat Free,
Eliminate Toxicity, and more with Fruit! *

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
NOTE: Do NOT wash the herbs, just brush the obvious specks of dirt off. Our bodies benefit from the microflora and the Vitamin B12 present in whatever dirt is left behind on them.

1 Thai Young Coconut (Coconut Water)
1 bunch of fresh wild Lamb's Quarters (lambsquarters leaves removed from stems)
1 bunch of fresh wild Plantain Herb (plantain leaves removed from stems)
Other fresh wild edibles of your choice (leaves removed from stems)
2 1/2 cups of Pineapple Chunks (2 cups will be blended; leave the 1/2 cup as chunks)
3 Bananas

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open young coconut to get coconut water out ~ watch this video if you need help:

2) Blend young coconut water, leaves of the wild plantain & lamb's quarters, 2 cups of the pineapple chunks, and the bananas in your Vita-Mix, or other high-powered blender of your choice.

3) Pour into glasses, then drop the remaining 1/2 cup of pineapple chunks into the smoothies. Kids will love this!

4) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
I'm eating simple and clean...the wild herbs are doing something to my body.
I feel earthy, spiritual and alive. Do you feel the same?

When one begins to nourish one body, the changes of consciousness may surprise you (in a good way).

The underlying message of raw foods is that you are deciding to make better choices.
The love is the power. You've made the loving choice to take care of yourself...because you are worth it!

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Love, Dan

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