grilled mochi recipe | with soy sauce and tofu (isobeyaki) | all day i eat like a shark

have you had a savory flavored mochi yet? these grilled mochi are not only fluffy in texture, but also savory in flavor with a little bit of added nutrition thanks to tofu. and as you'll soon discover, when you recreate these in your kitchen, the seasoning of these bite size snacks is to die for. (but stay alive now please)

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as you may know, in Japan, festivals are celebrated throughout the year for a variety of different reasons. Sometimes it's a holiday or historical event, other times it's religious. One of the easiest ways you can enjoy your time at these japanese festivals is with food. and in this series on omatsuri foods (japanese festival foods) you're going to discover how simple it is to recreate some of these delicious japanese foods at home. all you need to do is close your eyes and imagine yourself at a Japanese festival!

question of the day- do you like your mochi savory or sweet ? lmk in the comments

Japanese Cooking Season 3 | Omatsuri (Japanese festival foods to make at home)

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