Grilling Steak (Food Porn To The Max) | Pro Home Cooks

While most websites offer recipes with exact timings and temperatures we offer you something fairly different. You see the truth is that every piece of meat cooks differently, that every oven, every grill, every pan is unique unto itself and because of this we offer information that is far more valuable than a straight forward recipe. Sure you can look up a recipe, follow it and hope it applies to your exact situation but we want to help you figure it out for yourself.

When it comes to cooking meat on a grill there are a few things that you should know:

1. Meat grilled, no matter how overcooked is still going to be more delicious than meat overcooked in a pan or in the oven. The grill is magic and does special things that you can't do inside.

2. All pieces of steak are different, some are really thick and need a long time to cook, while others are thin and cook quickly. If you apply direct heat, ala a flame as opposed to indirect heat or something like an oven, you run the risk off burning the outside of the steak before it cooks on the inside. Often cooks will sear something to get it crispy on both sides and then finish it in the oven so it cooks evenly and all the way through. This can be achieved by closing the lid of the grill and placing it away from the heat source. You can shut off one burner, place the steak in that area and keep the other burners on or you an put it on the grill shelf if you have one.

3. Touch your meat. When cooking, if you don't have a thermometer the best way to know if meat is done is by feeling it. As the meat cooks it gets firmer and firmer and as you learn how to cook you will develop a feel for the meat. You will start to feel for the perfect medium rare or medium if that is what you like. All you have to do is press on the middle of the steak and see how it feels.

4. Get the grill really hot, pat the steak dry, season the steak with salt, pepper and a little oil and sear it for a few minutes on one side. Don't move the steak, depending on the thickness for 3-5 minutes and after that time check the side and see how the char is. If it is nice and charred flip it over and cook on the other side. This is the part where you want to start feeling the steak. Everyone 1 minute or so just give it a little press and you will feel how it changes and gets firmer and firmer as it cooks.

5. Pull it off and try a litte part of it. When cooking steak it is good to let the steak rest for 5-10 minutes to let the juices settle so that way when you cut in to it the flavor doesn't come falling out of the steak. But to be honest if you are learning for the first time don't be afraid to cut a piece of steak by the end just to see how it is doing. If you are cooking for friends and have 4 steaks on the grill, use one as the crash test dummy. Take him off a little early and just cut a little slice off and see how he looks. I can't tell you how many times that I have done this. Also if the steak isn't cooked enough yet just throw that bastard back on.

6. Don't be afraid to fuck up. Like most of the great food I have made none of it came without making a whole shit ton of mistakes, screwing up again and again until I finally got something that was delicious. You have to start somewhere, start simple and a nice piece of meat will practically cook itself. The cheaper cuts of meat are harder to cook and if cooked right are just as delicious but expensive cuts are a synch and can be tender and flavorful no matter what the method.

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