Gutti Vankaya Curry | Spicy Gutti Vankaya Curry | How to make Gutti Vankaya Curry | Hyderabadi Ruchulu

Gutti Vankaya Curry | Spicy Gutti Vankaya Curry | How to make Gutti Vankaya Curry

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Gutti Vankaya Curry | Spicy Gutti Vankaya Curry | How to make Gutti Vankaya Curry

1. Brinjals - 1/2 Kg
2. Groundnuts - 2 Tablespoons
3. Coriander Seeds - 2 Teaspoons
4. Sesame Seeds - 2 Teaspoons
5. Cumin Seeds - 1/2 Teaspoon
6. Coconut Powder - 2 Teaspoons
7. Tamarind - 30 Grams
8. Salt - 2 Teaspoons
9. Chilli Powder - 2 Teaspoons
10. Onions - 1 Cup
11. Oil - 3 Tablespoons
12. Turmeric Powder - 1/2 Teaspoon
13. Ginger-Garlic Paste - 1 Teaspoon
14. Garam-Masala Powder - 1/4 Teaspoon
15. Coriander Leaves - 1/2 Cup

Prepare stuffing for brinjals first. Heat a pan and fry 2 tablespoons groundnuts till they give out a nice aroma. Add 2 teaspoons coriander seeds, 2 teaspoons sesame seeds and fry for some time. Add 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds and fry. Add 2 teaspoons coconut powder and mix. Grind this mixture into a powder. Along with the mixture, grind 30 grams washed tamarind, 1 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons chilli powder and water. Grind it into a paste. Put this mixture in a bowl. Letís cut brinjals now. Make cuts to brinjals in the middle. Cut into 4 parts without splitting it completely. Cut all brinjals in a similar fashion. Stuff prepared paste into all brinjals. To a pan, add 3 tablespoons oil and heat it. Fry 1 cup chopped onions till they become transparent. Add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste and fry for a minute. Add stuffed brinjals one by one. Close lid and let it cook for a couple of minutes. Open lid and mix the brinjals carefully. Cook on low flame for 10 minutes. Add 1 cup water and mix. Cook till gravy thickens. Add 1/4 teaspoon garam-masala powder and mix. Sprinkle coriander leaves.
Gutti Vankaya Curry | Spicy Gutti Vankaya Curry | How to make Gutti Vankaya Curry

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