Hacky Chicken-Mayo Pancakes

Treat yourself to a unique flavor experience with Sihle's Hacky Chicken-Mayo Pancakes, combining the best of savoury chicken, creamy mayo, and fluffy pancakes

Makes: 8
Hands-on time: 20 minutes
Hands-off time: 20 minutes


1 cup Nola Mayonnaise Ultra Creamy, plus extra for serving
4 cups cooked & shredded chicken
cup fruit chutney
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
2 large eggs
1 cups milk
1 cup cake flour

Serving suggestion:


1. In a large mixing bowl combine cup of Nola Mayonnaise Ultra Creamy , the shredded chicken and the chutney. Set aside until needed. *Chefs Tip: Nola Mayonnaise Ultra Creamy is made with real eggs!

2. In a separate large mixing bowl, add cup mayonnaise, eggs and milk and whisk until well combined. Sift in the flour and whisk until a smooth and thin pancake batter is achieved.

3. Bring a large non-stick pan up to medium heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour about cup of batter over the pan and swirl it around to create a super thin pancake. Allow the pancake to brown for about 1-2 minutes before flipping it over. Add cup of cheese and cook the other side for a minute until the cheese has melted.

4. Transfer the pancake to a large plate. Add cup of the chicken-mayo mixture and neatly roll the pancakes to form pancake rolls. Repeat until 8 pancakes are made or until all the batter is finished.

5. Cut the pancakes in half and stack them beautifully on a platter. Garnish with freshly chopped chives, serve with extra mayonnaise and ENJOY!
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