Healthy Banana Blueberry Overnight Oats | Healthy Indian Twist

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Welcome to Healthy Indian Twist! Today’s recipe Banana blueberry overnight oats. Please try it out and let me know how it turns out in the comment box below. Do not forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Stay fit, Stay healthy!
Banana Blueberry Overnight Oats
This is a healthy and tasty overnight oats variant with no sugar. . The fruits and raisins provide enough sweetness. If you prefer sweeter, you can add little bit of monk sugar. This powerful breakfast is packed with superfoods and lots of nutrition. This is a make ahead breakfast recipe, which you can made a night before. You'd be able to take it with you or eat in the morning straight out of refrigerator. No cooking required!

A mason jar/Airtight glass jar
½ cup oats
1 tsp chia seeds
1 tsp Flax seeds
1 Tsp Sunflower seeds
1 tsp Pumpkin seeds
½ cup almond milk or milk of your choice
Cut bananas
A handful of blueberries
Combine all the ingredients in a mason jar and keep it overnight or at least 6-8 hrs in the refrigerator.
Ready in the morning.
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