Healthy Breakfast Recipe: Soaked Whole Grain Pancakes

Breakfast with the kids!

We started last night to "soak" our very favorite pancake recipe and want to show you how flexible cooking can be.

Don't have whole wheat flour? White AP flour, gluten-free, spelt, ETC have all worked in this recipe!

Running out of milk or worried you might? Swap for water instead (what we demonstrate) -- they won't be *quite* as fluffy but still uh-mazing because of the secret ingredient and cool science reaction your kids will love (think "volcano experiment" and you get the gist).

Get the full recipe and instructions for soaking at

Be sure to note in the video how I help my 5yo "guide" to new skills, including his first time cracking eggs! :)

I know eggs are in short supply in some places (we're so grateful for our farm right now!) so I wanted you to know that I've generally had good luck making pancakes with a flax or chia egg substitute if you can find ground flax. Everything is possible!
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