Healthy Sprouts Chilla Recipe - स्प्राउट्स चीला - Moong Sprouts Chilla - Tiffin Recipes for kids | India Food Network

This healthy Sprouts Chilla is a treat for your little ones. Don’t forget to this try recipe by Saee with some Kissan Fresh Tomato Ketchup.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins

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Mung bean sprouts: 2 cups.
Besan: 2 tbsp.
Kissan Tomato Ketchup: 3 tbsp.
Onion: 1 medium, finely chopped.
Tomato: 1 medium, finely chopped.
Curd: 1/4 cup.
Green chillies: 2 nos.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Water as required.
Oil to cook as required.
Capsicum: 1 tbsp on each, chopped.
Mix bell peppers: 1 tbsp on each, chopped.

Method of Preparation:

Grind sprouts in a mixer to a smooth paste.
Sieve besan into the sprouts paste and whisk well.
Mix it in curd and beat into a smooth batter.
Add a little water if the batter is too thick. Add Tomato Ketchup. Add salt, pepper and green chillies to taste. Add chopped onion and tomatoes and mix well. Keep aside for half an hour.
Heat a non-stick frying pan and brush a little oil. Add a ladle full of prepared batter. Cook while covered on simmering heat for a minute.
Check if the bottom is cooked. The top should no longer be wobbly. Flip the sprouts chilla and cook on the other side for 30 seconds.
Serve this Sprouts Chilla with a mint chutney.
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