We are here from CookingShooking, a cooking channel on Youtube.

Recently, an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude had shattered entire Nepal. Leaving thousands of people homeless, with no food to eat and water to drink. It is a saddening fact that one might have worked entire life for building a house and live with their loved ones. No one can compensate the loss they have suffered. Children have lost their parents in the debris , mothers are left helpless, children are shattered by their parents loss, adventurers show no sign of return.

In this event of crisis, we pray for the well-being of the survivor victims of the earthquake. What has happened wasn't really in our hands, as no one can compete with nature's destiny. But, what is in our hands NOW at this moment is more important.

Helping someone wouldn't decrease your wealth, instead will add thousands of well-wishes from the beneficiaries. An amount doesn't matter; it can be even a single penny, as it can buy a piece of bread.

Need of the hour is that we do as much as relief programs as possible. Or else, even survival for the survivor victims would be impossible.

We would request you to please contribute as much as you can, and don't judge it as a meager amount, as even a single penny from large sources could bring an ocean of funds.

This funding is going to be used entirely for the welfare of the survivor victims in the villages in the rural areas of Nepal. The more funds, the more we can help.

Seeking your valuable response.

Jai Nepal!

In case you want to transfer to our bank account directly, you could contact us: [email protected]
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