Homemade Chocolate/Only 4 ingredient Chocolate Recipe (Perfect for gift-giving) | Sujan Fun Kitchen

#SujanFunKitchen brings one more #EasyHealthyRecipe!
Navratri is here and a sweet surprise for your guests! #HomemadeChocolate


Milk Powder – 2 cups

Cocoa – ¼ cup

Sugar – 2 cups

Water - 4 cups

Butter – ½ cup

Chopped Cashewnuts/almonds – as required


First, mix milk powder and cocoa well, together

Now, take a thick kadai and add sugar

To the sugar, add water to just cover the sugar

Melt the sugar in the water and cook till you get a two string consistency

Now, simmer the gas and add the butter

Wait for the butter to melt in the sugar syrup and then, switch off the gas

Add the mixed  milk powder-cocoa  and chopped nuts to the syrup and keep stirring till the mixture leaves the pan

Transfer to a greased  thali and cut into desired shapes

PS This chocolate does not need refrigeration – that’s the biggest advantage. That’s why I call it Non-melting!! But, this melts in the mouth, though..!
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