Homemade Laksa Noodles | Mee Laksa [Nyonya Cooking]

Homemade laksa noodles to create authentic 'Asam Laksa' just like those sold in Malaysia!


All these while, I have been using udon noodles sold at Asian grocers to cook 'assam laksa'. It was delicious, of course but I always felt that the noodles did not taste authentic enough. Laksa noodles are made from rice flour, generally. The texture is soft and smooth - so smooth that I sometimes find it slippery to a certain extent. When I was younger, using chopsticks to pick them up was definitely a challenge.

When I first made these noodles, I encountered a lot of problems due to the all purpose flour (wheat flour) which was used. It can be quite a headache to decide on the type of flour which were sold in most of the supermarkets here. When I finally settled for flour type 550 which contains up to 11% of gluten, the noodles turned out very hard. I tried adjusting the amount of flour but still did not get the consistency I wanted.

Finally, using the Asian all purpose flour which contains a lower amount of gluten did help. It resulted in the noodles being soft and smooth, just the way it should be! Now, what is missing here is a good bowl of 'assam laksa' broth to go with these noodles. Perhaps, could the recipe be in the next upcoming video?

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New Asian recipe ideas are published regularly. Click SUBSCRIBE and stay tuned.


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The idea behind Nyonya Cooking:

Nyonya: Female descendants of a Chinese ethnic group who relocated to the Malay archipelago in the 15th century.

Like a true Nyonya, Grace cooks real Asian food with fresh ingredients. #nyonyacooking
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