HOMEMADE LOR CHEESE - Turkish Cottage Cheese

Music: ASIK VEYSEL - Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayim
Arranged and performed by: Elvan A. ULUCINAR

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HOMEMADE LOR CHEESE - Turkish Cottage Cheese

In this episode, I'd like to show you how easy is to make LOR cheese at home. Pasteurized milk is fine to use for making Lor. And it can be refrigerated for up to 3-4 days.The cheese can be prepared with yogurt as well, but then it is called: COKELEK cheese.


4 cups whole milk
1 tsp salt
1 lemon (or 1/4 cup vinegar)


To prevent milk from burning, rinse inside a heavy bottomed pan with cold water.
Then pour in milk without drying the pan.
Stir with a wooden spoon, place the spoon over the pot and
bring to a boil over medium heat.
Meanwhile, squeeze juice of one lemon.
Set a strainer over a large bowl and line the strainer with (wet) cheese cloth, set aside.
Look for small bubbles that form around edges of the pan then reduce the heat.
Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes and keep an eye on it, stirring occasionally.
Remove the pot from heat, if not using the LOR cheese for making dessert, add 1 tsp salt.
Then add 1/4 cup lemon juice (or vinegar) and stir.
Let it sit for 10 minutes, undisturbed.
In 10 minutes, the milk should have separated into white curds and yellow-colored whey.
Carefully pour it through the prepared strainer.
And let it drain for 10 to 60 minutes depending on how wet or dry you like it.
I usually drain for 10 minutes.
Then transfer to a bowl and mix.
You can mix with dried spices (such as mint, thyme, black sesame seeds, paprika ...) if desired.
Cover with a lid when it comes to room temperature and refrigerate, that's all, the Lor cheese is done :)
And the leftover whey can be used in place of water in any baking recipe, drunk on its own or used as stock in soups.

READY :) Thank You For Watching!

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