पिज्जा रेसिपी | तवा पिज्जा रेसिपी | घरपे आसान तरीके से पिज़्ज़ा कैसे बनाये | Homemade Pizza | Ananya Banerjee

Who doesn’t love the pizza? And making it at your home is the best treat you can give to yourself and your loved ones! Make this cheesy yet crispy pan pizza at your home in just a few simple steps! #simpletawapizza #panpizza

Ingredients :
For Pizza Dough :-
2 cup white flour (maida)
1/4 cup curd (dahi)
Salt to taste
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp oil
For Toppings :-
4 tsp pizza sauce
Few sliced capsicum
Few sliced olives
Few sliced tomatoes
Few chopped jalapeno
Mozzarella cheese
Chilli flakes

Method :
In a mixing bowl add 2 cup white flour (maida), 1/4 cup curd (dahi), salt to taste, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda
Mix everything together
Add water gradually and start kneading a soft dough
Add 2 tbsp oil, knead more to make it fluffy
Rest the dough for 30 minutes
Take a ball sized dough
Dust some flour on work surface
Flatten dough ball with rolling pin
Roll thin giving it a round shape
Place the rolled pizza base into the pan
Prick with fork on Pizza base
(to prevent from puffing up like chapati)
Flip and again prick the other side
Spread 3-4 tsp of pizza sauce uniformly
Top with capsicum, olives, tomatoes, jalapenos and Mozzarella cheese
Sprinkle some oregano.
Now cover and cook for 2-3 minutes or till cheese melts completely
Now to serve Pizza sprinkle chilli flakes & oregano
Slice the Pizza, serve hot!

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