Homemade ricotta cheese - baby food recipe +6M | BuonaPappa

As you might have noticed, Ricotta cheese and Parmesan cheese are my two favorite ingredients for baby food recipes...they are not only yummy and tasty, but also very healthy. (They are the first two cheeses that pediatricians recommend in Italy when you start introducing solid foods!! )
Homemade Parmesan cheese is a kind of tricky recipe...considering the cheese aging process...it might take from 6 to 24 months...a bit too long :-)
Whereas Homemade Ricotta Cheese will be ready in 1 hour! and believe me, once you'll taste it, it will be difficult to stop eating it !! Enjoy!

A friend of mine, an amazing chef, gave me this recipe. Thank you Claudia!!!
Check out her food blog!

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