Horlicks Oats Banana Cake | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Horlicks Oats Banana Cake is a delicious cake recipe to relish any time by all age groups.

Ingredients: Horlicks Oats powder 1 cup
Jaggery (grated) 1 cup
Raisins as required
Banana (cut in to 2 inch pieces) 1 number
Milk powder 1/2 cup
Oil as required
Baking powder 1 tablespoon
Curd/Yogurt 1 cup
Vanilla Essence 1 tea spoon
Butter paper 1 number

In a blender, add jaggery and banana pieces then blend to a fine paste.
Now, add curd to the blended   jaggery and banana mixture, keep it aside.
Take a bowl, add horlicks oats powder, milk powder, baking powder, mix well.
To it, add earlier prepared curd mixture in small quantities and whisk it to prepare a cake batter until no lumps are formed.
Add vanilla essence, raisins to the same bowl and whisk it again.
Later take a cake mold, grease it with butter then place butter paper in the bottom.
At last, pour the cake batter in it and bake at 180 degree centigrade for 30 minutes.
Demold the cake in a plate, remove the butter paper.
Delicious Horlicks Oats Banana Cake is now ready to serve.
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