Horlicks Oats Prawns Masala | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Horlicks Oats Prawns Masala turns out to be a super healthy and tasty delight for non-veg lovers

Ingredients: Horlicks oats 1 cup
Prawns (medium) 250 grams
Turmeric powder pinch
Chili powder 1/4 tea spoon
Cumin seeds 1/2 tea spoon
Water (hot) 3 cups
Salt to taste
Sambar powder 1 tablespoon
Butter 3 cube
Coriander leaves (chopped) 1 bunch
Onions (Chopped) 1 cup
Cumin Powder 1/2 tea spoon

In a pan, add butter, turmeric powder, chili powder, cumin powder, salt give it a mix, add prawns, saute for about 4 to 5 minutes and transfer to a bowl.
In the same pan, add some butter, chopped curry leaves, chopped onions, cumin seeds, saute them and add some hot water( 3 cups of hot water for 1 cup of oats).
Now season with salt and sambar powder.
Once the water comes to boil, add Horlicks oats and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
Transfer the fried prawns, cook for a minute more and turn the flame off.

Serve hot delicious Horlicks Oats Prawns Masala by garnishing with coriander leaves.
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