Hot Coffee Recipe | Cappuccino At Home | CCD Style Cappuccino | How to Make Cafe Style Hot Coffee | Anyone Can Cook with Dr.Alisha

When we goes to cafe or restaurant ,we always wonder that how can we make such creamy frothy coffee at home.
Here's the recipe by which you can also make creamy frothy coffee at home without any machine.

Coffee Powder 1/2cup
Sugar 1/2cup
water 1/2 cup

1.Add coffee, sugar and water in a bowl
2. Beat the mixture either with hand whisker or electric beater.
3. Beat the mixture till its gets light in colour , creamy and velvety in texture and starts forming peaks similar to the consistency of whipped cream.
4. Boil the milk
5.add coffee in cup ( 2 tbsp at the bottom of the cup and 1 tbsp after adding milk)
6. Add boiled hot milk over the coffee in cup and then add last spoon of coffee over the milk and mix it.

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