How Fidgeting (NEAT) Makes Some People Thinner

Ever wonder why some people do well when told to increase their caloric intake, while others just get fat and feel horrible?

If I give 1,000 people 1,000 extra calories per day and stop them from exercising, some will get put on 10 times more body fat than others. Science has demonstrated this dozens of times in controlled studies.

But why? The laws of thermodynamics indicate that all energy has to go somewhere; it can't just disappear. So in the people who are putting on little body fat, where is the energy going?

Researchers have figured out where just about all of this energy is going, and it's not being, "dissipated as heat through increased metabolic rate," which is often what you hear.

Instead, NEAT, or non exercise activity thermogenesis, is kicking into high gear in some people, but not in others.

In this video we delve into NEAT, what it is, and why some people seem to make use of it a lot while others do not.

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